"I started with tutoring at the library and then switched to a class. The GED class changed my life. It was the start I needed."
Hanadi S., GED Graduate
"It doesn't matter if you are young or old - you can always learn. You can't give up on yourself."
Paul W., Learner
"I did not realize what a positive impact adult literacy tutoring would have on my own life. This program is invaluable to both learners and tutors.
Krista, B., Tutor
"I want to say thank you to HCLN for giving me the opportunity and support to help pass my GED. It's changed my life and I couldn't be more grateful.
Kyle H., GED Graduate
HCLN Gallery

How It Works

Ensure eligibility.

Contact HCLN at

Complete intake form (fillable PDF).

Participate in program suited to your needs.
Serving the Halifax community for 30 years.
The Halifax Community Learning Network offers FREE tutoring for adult literacy students at several locations from September to June. For more information, please check the programs section.
HCLN also offers a CAEC (formerly GED) class at the Captain William Spry Community Centre. Call 902-422-7648 or e-mail info@hcln.ca for more information.


To enroll in a NSSAL program, you must:
Be 18 years of age or older
Reside in Nova Scotia
Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Not currently attend school
Be proficient in the language of instruction (except for deaf learners)
To be eligible to write the CAEC tests, you must:
Be 18 years of age or older
Reside in Nova Scotia
Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or protected person
Not already have a GED
Not be currently in school
Lack a recognized high school diploma from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Volunteer with HCLN
Become a volunteer tutor. Last year at HCLN, numerous learners and volunteers participated in our free programs and worked toward goals ranging from improving basic literacy to achieving the GED or High School Diploma for Adults.
Tutoring is important work. Adults are now waiting for tutors to help them with reading, writing and math skills. Spare a few hours a week and help change somebody’s life.

Make a Difference
The Halifax Community Learning Network is a registered charity (#857509335RR0001).
Your gift provides opportunities for adults and families to gain the essential skills necessary to live and work in a modern economy. Donations to Halifax Community Learning Network directly support adult literacy classroom, tutoring and online learning programming and family literacy programming.