Mariam and her tutor Ray enjoy the celebration at the Central Library

HCLN is back in business!

HCLN is back in business! Programs are underway at the Captain William Spry, Halifax North, Keshen Goodman and Central Library with the Spryfield GED class starting soon. Please call or email us to start your learning journey.

In June, we celebrated with program year-end parties. The Spryfield GED class was especially successful with most of the class passing the GED under the enthusiastic direction of instructor Brendan Tarry. Brendan has now moved on to a position at NSCC and he will be missed at HCLN.  NSCC is fortunate to have your teaching expertise in the ALP program. Best of luck, Brendan. Please visit!

All HCLN programs had wonderful stories of challenge and success to share and many were published in the 2016 yearbook, Learning is Living.

HCLN lost long-time board member Constance Glube in February. A retired Supreme Court Justice, Constance contributed her wisdom and compassion to many HCLN decisions and her grace and spirit will live on at HCLN and elsewhere.  Constance donated funds to HCLN which were used to purchase prizes for those who wrote stories for Learning is Living. The grand prize, a Samsung tablet was won by Mariam Nukuze. Here Mariam and her tutor Ray enjoy the celebration at the Central Library:

Mariam and her tutor Ray enjoy the celebration at the Central Library
Mariam and her tutor Ray enjoy the celebration at the Central Library


